This guide shows you how to improve your FPS in Fortnite Battle Royale and Campaign. Fortnite is well optimized, but there are still a few things you can do to increase the performance. Especially for low-end PCs!
Here, the best settings for those who have problems such as low fps, fps drop, stuttering, freezing while playing Fortnite.
13 ways to increase your frame rates (FPS) in Fortnite.
1) Best Graphics Settings for Fortnite
These graphics settings are for low-end computers.
If you have a good PC, you can increase the settings slightly.
Go to in-game Video Settings and make sure the settings are as follows.
Window Mode: Fullscreen
Frame Rate Limit: UNLIMITED
View Distance: MEDIUM or NEAR
Shadows: OFF
Anti-Aliasing: OFF
Textures: MEDIUM or LOW
Effects: LOW
Post Processing: LOW
Vsync: Off
Allow Multithreaded Rendering: Off. If you have a high-end PC, you must set it to ON.
2) Update Your Graphics Drivers
You should keep your computer’s graphics drivers updated.
Those with Nvidia video cards can download and install the latest video card drivers here.
Those with AMD video cards can download and install the latest video card drivers here.
3) NVIDIA Control Panel Settings
- Open NVIDIA Control Panel
- Go to the Adjust image settings with preview tab.
- Click the “Use my preference emphasising“ (If you have a mid&high end pc, Let the 3D application decide)
- Put the bar in Performance mode.
- Apply

- Click the Manage 3D settings
- Click the Program Settings
- Click the Add
- Select the Fortnite from the list
- After, make the following settings
Maximum pre-rendered frames: 1
Power management mode: Prefer maximum performance
Preferred refresh rate: Highest available
Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimisation: Off
Texture filtering - Quality: High performance
Texture filtering - Trilinear optimisation: On
Threaded optimisation: On
Vertical sync: Off - Apply

4) AMD Radeon Settings
- Open the AMD Radeon Settings window.
- Click on the Gaming tab.
- Then click on Global Settings.
- Go to the Anti-aliasing mode, choose Override application settings.
- Click on the Anti-aliasing level, so make sure you are selected the 2X
- Go to the Anisotropic Filtering Mode and turn it on.
- Then, click on the Anisotropic Filtering Level, so make sure you are selected the 2X.
- Click on the Texture Filtering Quality and select the Performance.
- Now, click on the Wait for Vertical Refresh and select the Always off.
- Click on the Tessellation Mode and select the Override application settings.
- Finally, click on the Maximum Tessellation Level and select the 32x or lower.

5) Power Options
If the CPU cooler is not enough, you can skip this setting. Processor temperature may increase by 5-6 degrees.
- Right-click the Windows icon on the bottom left.
- Click the Power Options
- Click the Additional power settings to the right of the window that opens.
- Select the High performance on the Preferred plans tab.
- After, click on the Change plan settings link to the right of the High performance.
- Tap on the Change advanced power settings
- Find Processor power management in the incoming list, click the + icon to its left.
- Set Minimum processor state and Maximum processor state to 100%
- Click on the OK
6) Full-screen Optimizations

- Go to the folder where the game is installed.
Example > H:\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\Win64 - Right-click the FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe application in the Win64 folder.
- Tap the Properties
- Tick Disable full-screen optimisations on the Compatibility tab.
- Click on the OK
7) Game Mode
- To turn off Windows 10 game mode, click the Start icon to bring up the Start menu and open Settings.
- Click the Gaming
- On the Game Bar tab, set the “Record game clips, screenshots and broadcast using Game bar” option here to Off.
- On the Captures tab, set the “Record in the background while I’m playing a game” option here to Off.
- On the Game Mode tab, set the “Game Mode” option here to Off.
8) Windows Performance Options
- Type performance in the search section of Windows, click to Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows from the results.
- Select the Adjust for best performance from the options in the Performance Options window that opens.
- Click OK

9) Cleaning Temporary Files
- Simultaneously press the Windows logo and R keys.
- Type %temp%
- Press Enter key.
- Delete everything in the Temp folder that opens. You can skip undeleted.
- Again, Simultaneously press the Windows logo and R keys.
- Type temp
- Press Enter key.
- Delete everything in the folder that opens.
- Again, Simultaneously press the Windows logo and R keys.
- Type prefetch
- Press Enter key.
- Delete everything in the Prefetch folder that opens.
Finally, empty the Recycle Bin
10) Optimize Discord
If you are using Discord, disable the Hardware Acceleration.

- Open Discord
- Go to the User Settings
- Then, go to the Appearance tab.
- Uncheck the Hardware Acceleration.
11) SSD
If you have an SSD, I recommend that you install the game on the SSD or move the game files to the SSD.
12) Increase The Priority
You need to adjust this setting every time you enter the game.
- Launch the Fortnite.
- Simultaneously press the ALT and TAB keys to minimize the game.
- Open the Task Manager
- Click on Details Tab
- Find FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe in the list.
- Right-click on the FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe and Set priority to High.
13) Reduce Ping and Fix Lag
- Go to the ExitLag page
- Click on the “FREE 3 DAYS TRIAL” button.
- Create an account.
- Verify the Email
- Download and install the ExitLag.
- Launch the ExitLag.
- Search the Fortnite in the ExitLag app.
- Select the Fortnite
- Select a game region
- Click on the APPLY ROUTES button.
- Play the game.
You should also close all unnecessary Apps, such as Chrome.
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